Cortisol Supplement That May Help Better Manage Your Anxiety


Anxiety, depression and irritability have become some of the common issues that can be seen among men and women in today's date. Personal relationships, jobs, studies, etc., are a few of the root causes of anxiety. Hence, apart from having a healthy body, it is also vital to have a healthy mind as both contribute to a person's overall health. The importance of mental health has many benefits; including curing many severe diseases such as stroke, heart diseases, etc. Certain remedies like relaxation exercises, meditation, aromatherapy, etc., reduce stress and anxiety. Apart from that, you can buy mood boost dietary supplements to reduce stress. The supplements consist of minerals and vitamins, which help reduce stress and provide one with the nutrition one lacks in their diet.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is the natural response to stress in one's body. It is a feeling that causes fear or apprehension of what is going to occur. A person with an anxiety disorder experiences palpitations, rapid heart rates, or even a risk of high blood pressure. Sweating, trembling, hyperventilation, feeling nervous is some of the common symptoms of anxiety.

How is Cortisol Related to Anxiety?

Our bodies consist of self-repair mechanisms that fight several diseases, repair wounds, and prevent us from infections and foreign bodies. When the stress hormones like cortisol are elevated, these self-repair mechanisms get deactivated. High cortisol level releases amino acids from the muscles and glucose from the liver to supply the energy needed to deal with stressful situations. However, prolonged elevated cortisol levels can increase anxiety and interfere with a body's healing ability. Excess cortisol suppresses the immune system, increasing the risk of developing diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and auto-immune disorders. Apart from that, it can trigger mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and mood swings.

How to Manage Anxiety?

Low and high levels of cortisol are equally associated with depression. Cortisol levels remain abnormally elevated when stress occurs every day or at unpredictable intervals. Excess levels of cortisol may result in elevated blood sugar and agitation. In addition to that, it may cause insomnia, poor mood, anxiety, and depression. On the other hand, low cortisol levels are evident to cause the inability to handle stress, fatigue, being overwhelmed, and anxiety.

Exercising little for each day, adopting healthy habits like writing, drinking herbal teas, and meditating can contribute to better management of anxiety. In addition to these natural remedies, certain supplements help in reducing stress and ease sleep.

Taking a cortisol supplement supports healthy adrenal function, reduces stress levels, and promotes a balanced cortisol response. The cortisol supplements improve mood, helps reduce stress and manage cortisol responses. The supplements usually comprise Phosphatidylserine, Ashwagandha root extract, Magnesium, Magnolia bark extracts, to name a few.

Ashwagandha is an Asian herbal supplement commonly used in traditional medicines to reduce stress and treat anxiety.

Fish Oil is also proven as a beneficial supplement for reducing cortisol levels in response to stress.

Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid nutritional supplement that stops the hyperactive production of cortisol in the body and provides better sleep.

Magnesium is said to lower blood pressure, fight depression, prevent migraines, reduce insulin resistance, and much more.

Magnolia – the bark or the flower buds are used to make medicine which aids weight loss, inflammation, headache, fever, anxiety, etc.

The Mood Boost dietary supplement is also helpful in improving sleep quality, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting positive moods. Practicing healthy habits and intake of such supplements helps manage anxiety to an ultimate level.


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