4 Misconceptions About Vitamin Supplements | Leslabs
It's an excellent reminder to remind yourself that eating a healthy, varied diet is the best method to acquire the nutrients we need. For decades, vitamins and minerals supplements have been associated with good health. So, it's no surprise that the supplement business is thriving. It may be difficult to tell the difference between science and fantasy when it comes to supplements. So, before you swallow any Dietary Support Supplements Capsules , examine the following supplement myths: Myth: Taking a multivitamin can compensate for a bad diet and keep you healthy. Reality: Scientists are still divided on whether multivitamins are helpful. According to certain research, multivitamins may prevent premature death. Others demonstrate that they provide no advantage. In any case, the best prescription for essential nutrients is always eating first. Nature provides our bodies with vitamins and minerals in precise proportions, as well as substances that have yet to be identified. Myth: ...